Latex Glove

Latex Gloves from The Safety Zone provide the best
feel, fit and dexterity. Our gloves are available in both lightly
powdered and powder free options in a variety of thicknesses. Our
polymer coated latex gloves provide an additional barrier to prevent
latex proteins from touching the skin.
100% Allergen Free

100% Silicone Free
100% PFAS Free
PFAS also known as Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are human-made chemicals used in both consumer and industrial products. PFAS chemicals do not easily breakdown in the environment. Exposure to some types of PFAS have been linked to serious health effects. All PPE products manufactured and distributed by Supply Source are PFAS free.
100% Phthalate Free
According to the FDA, Phthalates are a group of chemicals used in hundreds of products, such as toys, vinyl
flooring and wall covering, detergents, lubricating oils, food
packaging, pharmaceuticals, blood bags and tubing, and personal care
products, such as nail polish, hair sprays, aftershave lotions, soaps,
shampoos, perfumes and other fragrance preparations.
Recommended Usages

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)

The FD&C Act is a set of laws passed by Congress in 1938
giving authority to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to
oversee the safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics. All Safety Zone glove
components comply with the provisions of the FD&C Act, which allow
repeated use in direct contact with food.
FDA Rule 110.10 & 177.1950

Rule 110.10 Latex gloves sold by The Safety Zone meet
the requirements for handling of human food in both the manufacturing
and packaging phases of production. For more information, please
click here.

Rule 177.1950 Latex gloves sold by The Safety Zone
contain chloride-ethylene co-polymers, which may be safely used for
repeated use when coming into contact with food. For more
information, please click here.
Powder Free vs Powdered Gloves

Powder Free gloves go through an extra process of
chlorinating the gloves, making it easier to take the gloves on or

Powdered gloves are produced with a food grade
corn starch powder, making it easier to take them on or off – especially
with wet hands.